what does it mean to be authentic?
It’s impossible to live the authentic Christian life without the Holy Spirit. He’s the One to guide you, teach you the things of God, and instruct you in the way you should go. However, without the Holy Spirit, we can’t live the life that God wants us to live. Living a life that glorifies and honours God is by the power of the Holy Spirit. He alone can bring men to repentance and the acknowledging of the truth about salvation in Christ Jesus. Jesus said in John 16:8, “And when he (the Holy Spirit) is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
Living by the Spirit is the way for the daughter of Zion. The way of the Spirit is the way of success, victory and ever-increasing glory. So, don’t ignore the Holy Spirit. Yield yourself to His influence and guidance by consciously acting on God’s Word. He’s the One with the blueprint for your success; He created you and knows everything about your life and future. He’s committed to seeing you finish your course gloriously, fulfilling the will of God with joy.